The public is invited to the Menno Junior Senior Prom Grand March on June 19 starting at 6 p.m. The grand march will be held outside around the Menno school. Students will exit the old gym doors and head south around the school grounds. They will walk all the way around and end back at the old gym doors.
Spectators are asked to park around the school and stay by your vehicles to take pictures of the students. Students will stop at random spots around the school for pictures to be taken. We do ask that you stay by your vehicle at all times. Any family or friend pictures will need to be taken before grand march.
After the grand march has ended the previous Junior class will sponsor the banquet and dance all being supervised by the post prom committee. After prom activities will be held at the old gym starting at 1 a.m. and ending around 3 a.m. Permission slips were sent to all 2019-2020 Junior, Seniors, and waiter/waitresses. These will need to be turned in on June 19 before the grand march.