City resident takes over role previously held by Carol Eisenbeis
Shelly Wanninger is the new development and marketing coordinator with the city of Freeman. Wanninger was hired for the 25-hours-a-week job by the Freeman City Council at its June 18 meeting and spent her first day in her office in City Hall Tuesday, July 2.
While her job description is still being worked out in partnership between the city of Freeman and the Freema n Community Development Corporation, Wanninger’s focus will be on various development aspects in Freeman ranging from business retention and recruitment to residential and quality of life aspects.
“I’m excited to step into my new role,” said Wanninger, who has collectively been a resident of Freeman for 11 years and has developed a strong love and appreciation for the community. “I have big shoes to fill and am looking forward to the opportunity to do so.”
Wanninger, who has a daughter who will be a senior at Freeman Public and three grown children, takes over for Carol Eisenbeis, who retired from what was a full-time position in December. She joins finance officer Lisa Edelman in the city offices; the city is also working to fill the administrative assistant vacancy left by the resignation of Becca Albrecht.