Nominating petitions due Friday at 5 p.m.
Those who would like to file a nominating petition for election or re-election to a governing body have until 5 p.m. this Friday, Feb. 28 to do so. A number of terms are expiring on city councils from Freeman and Menno and from school boards in Freeman, Marion and Menno. If an election is necessary, it will be held Tuesday, April 8
Here are the upcoming vacancies.
Freeman City Council
Three two-year terms are expiring on the Freeman City Council. One is in Ward 1 currently held by Lonnie Tjaden, another is in Ward 2 and currently held by Blaine Saarie, and the third is in Ward 3 and is held by Elizabeth Waltner.
Freeman City Finance Office Lisa Edelman told The Courier on Tuesday that she had received two nominations: One from Tjaden and a second from Cody Fransen in Ward 3.
Freeman School Board
Two three-year terms are expiring on the Freeman Public School Board — that of Cody Spangler and Doug McCune, who was appointed last year to fill the final year of the three-year term held by Karissa Podzimek.
Freeman Public Business Manager Angele Letcher told The Courier on Tuesday that she has received a petition from Spangler.
Marion School Board
One term is expiring on the Marion School Board — a three-year term held by Jennifer McConniel.
Business Manager Crystal Longe was unavailable for an update when contacted by The Courier on Tuesday.
Menno City Council
Four seats will be up for grabs on the Menno City Council: A one-year term in Ward 1 held by Tyler Goehring, a two-year term in Ward 1 held by Jacob Mettler, a two-year term in Ward 2 held by Ron Diede and a one-year term in Ward 3 held by Amber Cross.
Menno City Finance Officer Jodi Fischer told The Courier on Tuesday that she had received one petition — from Diede.
Menno School Board
And on the Menno School Board of Education, two two-year terms are expiring. Those seats are currently held by Brent Rames and Barry Schmidt.
Menno Business Manager Dale Weiss was unavailable when contacted on Tuesday, but Superintendent Kory Foss said he knows of several petitions that had been taken out, but that confirmation should come from the business office.