A possible nine-year sports agreement between Marion and Parker is on the table, and by all accounts, both school districts are on board.
That’s the biggest takeaway from a special meeting of the Marion School Board held inside the high school gym Thursday night, March 27. The meeting featured a review of a possible sports agreement recently drafted by Marion and shared with Parker, and a counter-proposal Parker shared with Marion Thursday afternoon, suggesting the discussion is moving quickly.
Both schools propose similar splits in practices and games, with the proposed new cooperative beginning with most sports this coming winter. Football, softball and wrestling would first enter into the new agreement in the fall of 2026.
Marion school officials said the team mascot would remain Pheasants, with Marion’s proposal suggesting the full name be Marion/Parker Pheasants, while Parker countered with a full team name of ParMar Pheasants.
“One thing Parker has made perfectly clear is a mascot change is off the table,” said Marion board president Scott Tieszen.
That did not appear to be a sticking point at Thursday’s special meeting in Marion.
Both proposals support 100% varsity/junior varsity football at Parker and a 50/50 junior high football split, as well as all track and field at Parker and a 90/10 split in wrestling.
Marion asked for a 50/50 split in boys and girls basketball and volleyball while Parker countered with 60% Parker and 40% Marion.
Marion’s proposal also included a 50/50 split in softball, to which Parker countered with 60% Marion and 40% Parker
“They like our facilities better than theirs,” said Tieszen. “Not too often do we get to say that in this town. We should be very proud of that.”
The biggest difference in the two proposals on the table was that Parker would like to keep the soccer partnership intact with Freeman Academy — something Marion board members questioned. But feedback from the public during the open forum included multiple comments in favor of maintaining that relationship with Freeman Academy’s soccer program, which in addition to Marion and Parker includes a connection with Freeman Public.
Marion school officials also said that they have not talked with Parker about bringing Freeman Academy along in other sports; Marion and Freeman Academy have enjoyed a largely healthy Bearcats sports cooperative since 2016.
Brian Paff, board chair at Freeman Academy, attended Thursday’s meeting in Marion and said that Freeman Academy “would like to be part of the conversation.”
The latest developments could also have a major impact on the “Phoenix” brand implemented in 2022, when Freeman Public, Marion and Freeman Academy agreed on a new football cooperative, with Phoenix softball beginning the following year.
It would also bring an end to the longest-standing wrestling cooperative in South Dakota — the Marion/Freeman Rebels established in 1991.
The Marion School Board also recently reached out to Freeman Public about expanding the Phoenix co-op to include all other sports, and while the Freeman board voted to “continue the discussion” at its March 11 meeting, there appeared to be little support for the move.
As far as the Marion/Parker partnership goes, no official action has been taken.
The Marion School Board will invite further discussion from the public when it meets again in regular session April 14 at 6 p.m.