The Freeman City Council took action Monday night, June 22 to fix the corner of Fifth and Main streets — the intersection near Mr. G’s Tires and Stucky’s Electric. The work will include, first, the replacement of the manhole by Hydro-Klean out of Sioux Falls, followed by the street work itself. Monday night, the city awarded the job to Koerner Construction of Freeman, which submitted a bid in the amount of $21,632.70. The city also received a bid from Puetz Corporation in the amount of $31,483.
June 24, 2020
The Freeman City Council took action Monday night, June 22 to fix the corner of Fifth and Main streets — the intersection near Mr. G’s Tires and Stucky’s Electric. The work will include, first, the replacement of the manhole by Hydro-Klean out of Sioux Falls, followed by the street work itself. Mond...